Wireless Lone Working Equipment Specialists
As wireless lone working equipment experts, here at MDH, we offer a flexible, custom approach to supplying and servicing lone working alarm systems in fixed location workplace settings across the UK.
Our lone working equipment like wearable SOS devices, panic buttons and man-down alarms can be utilised and combined to create a workplace alarm system to suit your requirements. They’re easy to use and provide an effective way for lone workers to raise the alarm either manually or automatically (via tilt technology). Can also include:
This alarm system is contract-free, meaning no costly ongoing monthly or yearly fees.
All our products carry a standard one-year return to base warranty. During this period, MDH will repair or replace any faulty unit. And has an overall range of over 1000m depending on obstructions and interference from existing structures.
How does the Lone Working Equipment Work?
The lone working equipment works by providing the lone worker with a manual and an automatic way to summon help in an emergency. The staff member carries the lone worker transmitter, either in their pocket or clipped to their belt. If at any point, the worker needs to summon assistance, they simply press the red panic button on the front of the transmitter and a radio signal is transmitted.
This device also offers what we call the ‘tilt switch’ function. Where if the lone worker transmitter is tilted at over 60 degrees from standing, simulating someone being on the floor or unconscious, the transmitter will go into a 15-second countdown. If the member of staff does not stand up within this timeframe, a distress signal will also be transmitted. This function can be deactivated for 5 minutes by pressing the tilt override button at the top of the transmitter.
Once the alarm is activated, an alarm signal is sent back to the wall-mounted central receiver (which has a number of indicators, a sounder and a reset button). Each transmitter has a different channel to identify which device’s alarm is sounding. The alarm is cancelled when the reset button on the central receiver is pressed.
There are 2 other options available for raising the alarm onto designated remote third parties:
- Either internally via a paging module installed on the central panel. Once an alarm has been triggered the panel will broadcast out another radio signal to a remote pager or activate any number of siren/strobe units.

- Or externally via an auto-dialler. Once an alarm has been triggered the panel will broadcast out another radio signal to a remote pager connect an auto-dialler which dials out to a list of pre-programmed phone numbers with a pre-recorded message requesting assistance.
The auto-dialler option is used when a member of staff is working completely alone in a building/premises, and there is no one else on site that would be able to pick up the alarm. The dialler dials out to a list of pre-programmed phone numbers to deliver a pre-recorded voice message requesting assistance. The dialler must be located near a phone line. This must be an ordinary analogue phone line such as a fax line or domestic phone line. The receiver and dialler run of a single mains adapter which is supplied with the equipment.
For the diallers, you can enter up to nine telephone numbers (mobile or landline) and the dialler will ring through the list one number at a time. The dialler will keep ringing through the list of numbers unless someone answers the call and presses the hash (#) key to stop the dialler from continuing through the list.
The dialler has a built-in memory for telephone numbers and programmed settings will always store all the information when disconnected from the mains. The dialler as standard is supplied with a telephone cable – BT431 to RJ11 connection, however, lots of companies use their network points to connect into the phone therefore, we can use an RJ45 adapter.
Check out our lone working alarm equipment FAQs and see our dialler programming guide.
FYI our Wireless Lone Worker Equipment has…
- Been tried and tested in many different office, warehouse, hotel, retail and leisure centre settings including multi building sites.
- A large range potential with a design that you can add or amend features as your needs change, or you grow or move.
- Easy to use functionality so your public facing and fixed location warehouse lone workers stay safe and it is suitable for a single user, to over a thousand – covering part of or a whole site or building.
Did you know that we manufacture our products in the UK at our headquarters in Brackley, Northamptonshire, and our alarm equipment can be tailored to meet your organisation’s requirements? Also, we pride ourselves on the quality and reliability of our alarms and that we have the expertise and stability to support you and your system now and in the future.
Request a Free Survey…
Ask about our free, no-obligation site survey to demonstrate the alarm equipment and test the range of the wireless system to see which alarm components will be most effective for your needs.
We can help meet your health and safety obligations to your public-facing employees and lone workers. So, for all your lone working equipment requirements, call the alarm experts on 01280 845530 or email info@mdh-uk.co.uk or complete the form below.